Writing your vows from scratch can be an overwhelming prospect, and many of my couples tell me they don't know where to start. Instead of trying to construct sentences, answer all or some of these questions, or finish the sentences.
From the answers you’ll have, you should have a pretty good foundation for creating some heartfelt and purposeful vows.
Remember your vows should be meaningful, personal, and in your own words.
What is the purpose of YOUR wedding vows?
Why are you getting married?
When did you know you wanted to marry your partner?
Why do you want to marry them?
What do you hope will change, or improve, when you are married?
How do you want your partner to feel as they hear the vows?
What commitment are you actually making?
What is something cute your partner does?
What defines your relationship now?
What will define your relationship in the future?
Why do you love them?
Why will you always love them?
Is there something special you want to promise?
Where do you see you both being in 1 year? 5 years? 50 years?
I love the way you…
I love you for teaching me…
I feel so lucky…
I promise to be…
Now you’ve answered those questions, use your answers as the basis for your vows.
Start out by making them feel like a million dollars. Compliment them, encourage them, affirm them. Let them know you’re here for them and them only.
Now, make a promise, make a vow, perhaps even many promises or vows. This is the “why” behind the “let’s get married”.
Then wrap it all up with a quick look to the future, create a path forward for the both of you.
Now you’re vowing!
Beautiful image provided by: Tale Thief Photography @talethief www.talethief.com